Poof! Presto! Snap! Playing with space, time and the otherworldly, this eclectic ensemble of South Korean illusionists will boggle your mind with their impressive powers of prestidigitation. Mixing dexterous sleight of hand, Chaplin-esque vaudevillian comedy and ingenious visual effects, SNAP conjures a marvelous, magical cabaret perfect for the whole family.
Glorious, Rare, Unique, Exciting, Joyful Arts, Rapt Mystery is what GRUEJARM Production stands for both figuratively and literally. The name also translates from Korean to describe the state in between reality and a dream! The terrifically talented company, which formed in 2010, brings together Korea’s most illustrious illusionists to produce unbelievable productions and make some seriously funny magic.
Did You Know?
- As the winner of “Best Production,” the highest honor of the Asian Arts Award at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2016, SNAP was such a success that the production returned again in 2017 for an encore run.
- The cast and creative team carries cachet that’s no illusion. There are multiple World Champions of the Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Magiques, a consultant for The Illusionists World Tour and even a Professor of Magic Performance who all came together to make this show.
- The illusions in SNAP speak for themselves! While many magicians must perfect the art of patter, a speech used while performing, the magicians of SNAP sought inspiration from Charlie Chaplin, among others, for both his slapstick-style comedy and silent storytelling.
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Trickster: Star on the Ground Meets the Moon
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